Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

With the change in clocks, longer nights are approaching, raising concerns about well-being. Discover self-care tips to adapt to the shift.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

1. As the clocks change, longer nights can affect well-being. Here are self-care tips to adapt to the change.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

2. Spending time outdoors can help protect emotional well-being by resetting your body's internal clock.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

3. Sunlight limits the release of melatonin, reducing drowsiness and helping you adjust to a new sleep pattern.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

4. Try to spend time outdoors during the day, even in winter months, to combat the shorter, darker days.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

5. Maintaining a cooler bedroom temperature (around 16-17°C) can improve sleep quality.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

6. Consider switching to a higher tog duvet for better sleep during colder nights.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

7. Gradually adjust your bedtime leading up to the clock change, going to bed earlier each night for a smoother transition.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

8. Eating a balanced, colorful diet can boost energy, immunity, mood, and sleep quality.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

9. Avoid heavy or high-sugar meals close to bedtime for better sleep.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

10. Spending time with friends and loved ones naturally boosts mood and reduces stress levels.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

11. Socializing is essential even in colder months, so plan fun outings and get-togethers to stay connected.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

12. Self-care routines are crucial during the transition to shorter, darker days to maintain emotional well-being.

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!


Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!

Nervous About Longer Nights? Try These Self-Care Hacks!